9.-13. July 2025

Riddu Siida
Riddu siida
Northern people of the year
Welcome to Riddu Siida!
Riddu Siida, which translates to "Riddu Home", is a vibrant area with plenty of activities during the festival. At Riddu Siida Indigenous Peoples from different parts of the world will present their culture, and there are several traditional Indigenous homes at the site. You can gain insight into a wide cultural diversity through courses, storytelling, food, yoik, film, languages and different crafts. This year Riddu Siida is hosted by Indigenous Peoples from Sápmi, Russia, Kalaallit Nunaat and USA.
Riddu Siida opens at 10:00 every day with activites until 18:00.
The next events
Seminar, Northern people of the year