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Conversation with the young artist of the year: Emil Karlsen

Emil Karlsen is Riddu Riđđu's young artist in 2019. Emil is 21 years old, Seasami and raised in Omasvuona suohkan (…

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Q & A with Indigenous filmmakers

The Indigenous filmmakers Marja Bål Nango, Ingir Nango, Elle Márjá Eira & Mai-Lis Eira, Elle Sofe…

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UIT seminar: Salmon: Sami traditions and cross-border management on the Tana river

The relationship between national salmon regulations and Sámi salmon fishery traditions, which includes traditional…

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Award: The best master thesis on indigenous issues

In 2019, UiT and The Centre for Sami Studies will for the second time honor with an award the best master thesis…

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Seminar: Indigenous activism

Standing Rock received a lot of attention when the battle against "the Black Snake" took shape in a resistance camp…

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Nordlys Seminar: The battle for minerals

  Nussir ASA has gained operation license and discharge permit for a copper mine with seafill in Repparfjorden…

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Seminar: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was passed by the Parliament in 2018 and is set to examine assimilation policy…

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Seminar: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was passed by the Norwegian Parliament in 2018 and is set to examine the…

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Indigenous music: Traditional and commercial music?

  Where do we draw the line when modernizing indigenous cultural expressions and who decides? Are there no…

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Conference: Arctic Voices in Art and Literature in Nineteenth-Century

This conference focuses on the peak of Euro-American imperialism in the Western Arctic between about 1789 and 1914. By…

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Conference: Arctic Voices in Art and Literature

This conference focuses on the peak of Euro-American imperialism in the Western Arctic between about 1789 and 1914. By…

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Conference: Arctic Voices in Art and Literature

This conference focuses on the peak of Euro-American imperialism in the Western Arctic between about 1789 and 1914. By…

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Riddu Riđđu Festivála, Center for Northern people, NO-9144 Samuelsberg, Norway


+ 47 971 39493


[email protected]

Booking requests: [email protected]*All program/booking inquiries to Riddu Riđđu 2023 should contain LIVE-videos and information regarding indigenous perspectives.


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