Riddu Siida
Welcome to Riddu Siida!
Riddu Siida, which translates to "Riddu Home", is a vibrant area with plenty of activities during the festival. At Riddu Siida Indigenous Peoples from different parts of the world will present their culture, and there are several traditional Indigenous homes at the site. You can gain insight into a wide cultural diversity through courses, storytelling, food, yoik, film, languages and different crafts.
Riddu Siida is open Thursday- Saturday 12:00-18:00.
Thursday 13.07 12:00 – 13:30 Lakota hand games
This workshop is for learning and experienceing the traditional hand games played by the Lakota people. Participants will learn about the deep-rooted traditions, storytelling, and social connections associated with these ancient games. Discover how hand games serve as a form of entertainment, a way to pass down cultural knowledge, and a means of fostering cooperation and camaraderie within the community.
Thursday 13.07 14:00 – 15:00 Talk: History and value of horses for Lakota
Horses have played an integral role in shaping the Lakota way of life. This talk delves into the rich history and profound value of horses within Lakota culture. Learn about the historical context of the arrival of horses to Lakota lands and the transformative impact they had on the people’s nomadic lifestyle, mobility, and hunting practices. Learn how horses became revered companions and partners, greatly enhancing the efficiency of Lakota life.
Torsdag 13.07 16:00 – 17:30 Tasting and history of the Lakota food