Seminar: The tougher the weather, the tougher the man
From the traditional Sami male role, it is expected that the man contributes to the family's livelihood, and that he copes outdoors in all weather conditions. Hunting, fishing and reindeer husbandry have been important arenas for the transfer of knowledge between generations, but the authorities' regulation, infringement of rights and the transition to a wage economy has turned everything upside down. Now, success is often considered to be associated with educational choices or other types of employment. Could this lead to a change in Sami men's perception of their own masculinity? How does this affect the Sami father role? And does this development constitute an equality challenge?
Language: Norwegian.
Moderator: Aili Keskitalo.
Panel: Áslat Holmberg, Geir Tommy Pedersen, Ketil Lennert Hansen and Mathis Eira.
The seminar is organized in collaboration with Mannsutvalget.