Register the children for the Riddu Mánáidfestivala! This year's festival begins with a family performance at 14.00 on Wednesday 12 July and ends at 15.30 on Friday 14 July with a popular Sámi artist (TBA).
Children between the ages of 3 and 10 can try out a number of activities where both parents and children can learn joik and use Sámi words and expressions about the activity. The group between 11 and 13 years is offered a separate program with activities adapted to the slightly older children. The activities on 13 and 14 July last from 10.00-15.30, interrupted by a lunch break at 12.30. All children receive lunch and a T-shirt. Riddu Riđđu encourages parents to be actively involved in the programme. We emphasize the use of Sami language in the implementation of the festival. Some of the activities will take place only in Sami, and some of the activities in Norwegian with an emphasis on the use of words and expressions in Sami. When registering, it would be nice if you state which languages your child speaks so that we can put the groups together in terms of age and language.
This year's activities include: Get to know each other - Riddu dance, stockfish banging, lávvu ja dolla, Sámi animal joikers, make a rávgga mask, learn to make Sami names, wood sawing, horse riding.
Parents/guardians with children under school age who have a valid festival ticket for the child(ren) are allowed into the area without their own ticket.