From today and until 1.January 2014, you can buy our festivalpasses for only 900 NOK!Buy the tickets here.
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This survey will provide an indication of what you think of our festival and help us improve so that Riddu Riđđu can…
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This year it is the national year of languages and Riddu Riđđu has given room to the Sami languages in the program.…
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Kokkenes Mesterlaug Troms (KMT) makes all the food during the festival. Kokkenes Mesterlaug Troms are skilled…
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Throughout the year many people are working to realize the festival. When Riddu Riđđu in 2009 was designated as a…
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This is a new collaboration between Riddu Riđđu and Summer @ North Troms. Friday 12th July the local youngsters can…
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Every year the festival brings a northern indigenous people to the festival. The Norwegian department of foreign…
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