Truth and reconciliation - what can we learn from others?
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report was delivered to the Norwegian parliament on June 1st last year. Now the report is in the hands of the Norwegian parliament and now the hard work starts.
Many countries have submitted a truth and reconciliation report several years before Norway, and other countries are in ongoing processes. This autumn, the Norwegian parliaments Control and Constitution Committee are going to Canada to learn from their truth and reconciliation work.
What knowledge can we gain from other countries when we are to work on our own measures? Are there mistakes other countries have made that we can learn from? And what strength is there in the fact that others have done these processes before us?
In this conversation, you will meet voices from Sápmi and the world that have different relationships to truth and reconciliation.
Moderator: Amy Baker
Panel: Jeremy Dutcher, Eirik Mevik og Suvi West