Sjåbakkenhuset – better known as Sjit helvedes kåken: “The Shit Hell Shack” – will be open to the public throughout this year’s Riddu Riđđu festival, from 10-14 July.
Opening hours: 10:00-14:00
Entrance: 30kr
Children under 18 free
The “Shit hell shack” is the affectionate name given to the house that Anton Sjåbakken lived in when he returned to Manndalen after WWII ended. His home, like others in the village, had been burnt down in 1944 by retreating Nazi soldiers as part of their scorched earth policy. Sjåbakken constructed a temporary home using the materials he received from the authorities. When the Kåfjord Building Authority demanded payment for the materials, Sjåbakken wrote himself into history when he sent them his famous letter: "There’s no way in hell that I’ll pay 2700kr for that shit.”
Read more about the house HERE
Note! This is not a guided tour or seminar, but it is possible to visit the house in the opening hours.