Lávvosáhka: The women at the frontlines
This year, the controversial Fosen case has really affected the Sami community and the national news scene. It was the Fosen action in Oslo, at the end of February, that really put the debate about the wind turbines at Roan and Storheia on the agenda. The front persons in the action consisted only of women. Is it coincidental, or is it typical of indigenous struggles worldwide? What are the strengths of female leadership? And what are the weaknesses?
In this conversation Silje Ask Lundberg, Gina Gylver and Elle Rávdná Näkkäläjärvi meet.
Language: Norwegian.
What is Lávvosáhka?
This year, Riddu Riđđu is launching a new concept, as a supplement to the seminar program: a conversation series called Lávvosáhka. These conversations will take place in the Bálddalávvus, and their purpose is to move away from Western models of discussion, and return to informal conversation.