9.-13. july 2025
Where can i help?

What work can I do as bargi or veahkki?
Environment ("Miljø")
- Riddu Riđđu is Eco-Lighthouse certified Norwegian standards. The Miljø-team organizes our recycling and keeps out festival area clean and tidy to meet those guidelines. It's important for our festival, and important for everyone's wellbeing. Your tasks bring you across the entire festival area, which means that you get to experience large parts of the festival even while on duty.
- Do you want to make sure visiting journalists have all they need to do their work? Or duo you have media experience and your own equipment, and want to help document this year's festival? Please note your previous experience and equipment for the Media Team.
Hospitality: Caring for our artists, veahkit/volunteers and bargi/staff
- Help create a warm, cosy atmosphere in the Volunteer tent/Frivilligtelt or the Artist café, help artists backstage in the greenroom, and/or welcome guests upon their arrival to the festival.
Anlegg/Construction: The folks who like working with tools
- Consider yourself a handi-person? This team is responsible for all the minor ang major repairs, as well as setting up lavvus (tents) and fences, keeping electricity and water running, maintaining signage, and take-down when the festival ends. Specialized training is particularly helpful here, with some shifts possible in the weeks or days before/after the festival.
Selling food, beer, snacks and merch
- These veahkit keep our food, beverage, and merch stations running smoothly! Luckily, you're often close enough to hear the music during you shift, and you'll have a chance to meet out entire Riddu audience.
Security: Audience and parking hosts
- These veahkit are essential to keeping the festival running safely and smoothly, and are the smiling face of the festival. You'll be welcoming people to the festival, checking wristbands at crosspoints, helping campers set up lávvus and bonfire safely, and making sure everyone has a worry-free, relaxed and fun festival-experience.
Security: Audience and parking hosts
- Olmmáivággi is a two hours' drive outside Tromsø. Transport shits might involve shorter local trips, or longer journeys to bring artists to/from Tromsø airport. Longer trips follow flight timings, so shifts could be during daytime or late at night - but the scenery will always be gorgeous. Riddu provides the vehicle; tranport veahkit must be 25 years or older, hold a driver's licence valid in Norway, and be comfortable with long-distance driving.
Do you have language skills?
- Do you speak a Sámi language? Russian? Something else? We're a multicultural festival, with guests adn audiences from across the globe, so language skills are a valuable resource for us. Sometimes we need interpreters or translators, and you just might be the person who can help us out.
Children's festival / Mánáidfestivála?
- The Mánáidfestivála team tends to work all three days of children's festival (wed-fri). Norwegian and/or Northern Sámi speakers are preferred for clear communication with the children (and their parents). Note that a valid criminal record check from the police is required from all Mánáidfestivála veahkit/bargi. This is free to apply for, and Riddu will assist with the process.
Questions? Contact us at riddu@riddu.no / phone: +47 971 39 493.