By submitting this application form, you agree that you understand your responsibilities and rights as a Riddu Riđđu Festivála volunteer/veahkki. These terms and conditions are valid for this year's Riddu Riđđu Festivála, from 10 to 14 July 2024.

By submitting my volunteer application I agree to the following conditions:

  • I will work a minimum of 16 hours.
  • I will show up for my shifts, as agreed upon with the festival, both on time and sober.
  • I will wear my Riddu Riddu volunteer shirt while working shifts during the actual festival.
  • I will use protective gear as required.
  • I will inform the volunteer coordinator as soon as possible if anything prevents me from showing up to my shifts on time (e.g., illness, emergency, etc.)
  • When wearing my volunteer shirt, I am a representative of Riddu Riddu and will uphold the festival's reputation in my actions and words, including staying sober during my shifts.
  • I understand that Riddu Riddu does not provide special accommodation nor camping gear for volunteers, however the free festival campsites will be open for use from 9 to 15 July 2024.

Riddu Riđđu Festivála has zero tolerance for any form of racism or harassment. We are committed to promoting equality and diversity at all times. No one should be discriminated against on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture or skin color at Riddu Riđđu.

In return, Riddu Riđđu Festivála commits to:

  • Ensure good and safe working conditions.
  • Ensure each volunteer is covered by our accident insurance while on duty.
  • Provide each volunteer with a free festival wristband, allowing access to the full festival. (NB: some small-capacity events/workshops require advance registration, info will be included in festival program)
  • Providing you a Riddu Riđđu volunteer t-shirt.
  • Provide all on-duty volunteers with food and (non-alcoholic) drinks.
  • Provide access to the Volunteer Tent / Frivilligtelt as a veahkki-only social/chill-out space throughout the festival.