The Childrens festival
It is time for new experiences and the opportunity to meet new friends and cultures! At the childrens festival there are different age-appropriate activities. Each day ends with a family concert / show featuring artists from Riddu Riđđus main program. This is especially suitable for children, but also adolescents and adults are welcome as audience!
- Capacity: 120 children
- Age: 3-13 years.
- Duration: 10 to 12.July 2019
- Bring: clothes for any weather, mom or dad if you're under 7 years old, own food if you have food allergies.
- Everyone gets a Riddu Riđđu Mánáidfestivála t-shirt and lunch
program 3-10 years: fully booked!
• Horseback riding
• Sami language activities with Giellasiida / Sami language center in Kåfjord.
• Stockfish banking
• Activities with guests from Russia
• Crafts / duodji, make ropes with Nord-Troms museum.
• Stories by the fire in a traditional lavvo
• "School- Petter Anna" workshop
• New Year's Eve mask-making - a tradition from Manndalen.
• Outdoor activities
• Activities with the Northern people of the year, Inuits from Nunavut
• Family show every day at 15:30.
Program 10 -13 years: fully booked!
Program 10 -13 years: Drum dance with the Northern people of the year, Yoik with Berit Alette Mienna and make Bealljegoahti with Nord-Troms Museum.
The Children's Festival is produced in collaboration with, among others, Giellasiida / Sami language center in Kåfjord and Nord-Troms museum.