Tyva Kyzy ready for Riddu Riđđu 2018

“Tyva Kyzy” (“Daughters of Tuva”) is the first and only women’s group in Tuva that performs all styles of Tuvan khoomei( known as throat-singing in english). This form of multiple tones harmonic singing has been practiced mostly by men and prohibited for women. Tyva Kyzy dares to perform publicly this ancient art of singing in their own unique “feminine” style. According to some Tuvan traditions women were forbidden to perform khoomei because it could diminish the vitality of her male relatives and lead to difficulties during her childbirth. The taboos around female khoomei often suppressed the few women who were talented by nature and if they didn’t follow them their relatives could force them not to sing.

Choduraa Tumat, the artistic leader of Tyva Kyzy, therefore challenged a strict norm when she in 1998 established a female group of khoomei performers and has since received great recognition for her original and distinctive feminine contribution in making this music world-famous. 

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