Open for nominations for the Buošši Prize 2024
Riddu Riđđu Festival and Center of northern peoples in handing out the Buošši Prize at this years Riddu Riđđu fesitval. The Buošši Prize is a cultural award that is handed out to people or organisations who have made a positive effort to highlight sea sami language and culture; either through their deed or by being a role model.
We now want proposals for award recipients. The person or persons must be connected to Northern Troms: Kåfjord, Storfjord, Lyngen, Nordreisa, Kvænangen or Karlsøy.
The prize is awarded anually at the Riddu Riđđu Festival, and the winner recives NOK 10.000.
Proposals and reasons must be sent to [email protected] by the deadline of 24 June 2024.
It is a great honor to present such an award. For two years we have awarded the prize to wothry winners who have received great attention for their positive efforts of sea sami language and culture.
Previous Winners:
2022: Bjørg Fossli
2023: Ruth og Per Larsen